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[PyrNet-L] thoughts on training

Hi Deanna,  Thanks for the kind words & glad you enjoyed the updates.
I'm a little taken aback with the training session you describe unless I misread your letter.  If this is Lucy's first class, you should not be working on the "down" command yet (according to our trainer - Sherry).  Heidi needed to have all the other basics down pat (yea, right) before learning Down.  Sherry said that is the hardest command for them to follow because it is a sign of submission, whereas Sit is not.  Of course, if Lucy has all other commands, including coming when called down pat, then you are right to be working on DOWN.  Here's a tip.....if you are using the word down to designate that she should lay down, under NO circumstances should you use it for any other reason.....if she's jumping on you or  your  furniture, use the word OFF or any other word you are comfortable with.
As for talking to your dog.....the only advice Sherry gave me was to modulate my tone of voice down a little.  Speak to Lucy in a friendly voice, not using "babytalk".  I was bummed. I told my Hubby that I was very happy to have dogs now because, unlike children, they could not learn to mispronounce a word just because of me.  Now I have to talk to them in a "normal" speaking voice.  Trust me on this, Deanna.  Having Lucy is going to be like having a two year old for a while.
Oh, when we did learn the down command, we were shown to put the leash under our knees while kneeling on the ground/floor with just enough room to spare.....it should NOT be uncomfortable for the dog.  That way, you retain the option of discipline if needed.  If the dog does not obey DOWN, put your hands behind the front legs and gently pull the dog forward until down is achieved.  You may have to lean on the back of the dog a little to attain a full down.  Wish I could demonstrate in person.  It's a lot easier than it sounds.
Sherry does not believe in any form of hitting/screaming at dog.  That is why we chose her.  She also maintains that it is not usually necessary to put the dog in a lot of discomfort while training.  A little tug goes a long way.  Of course, a "little" tug on a Collie & a "little" tug on a Pyr are not one & the same.
I know it's hard to treat her like a dog, but you need to maintain the upper hand.  What is cute now, won't be cute when she 100+ lbs.  example: Pyr paw.  Mostly I find that lots of praise & a few treats go a long way.  I did not use treats with Heidi for any commands, except the DOWN. 
Just some thoughts for you to ponder.....I'm certainly no expert & am learning on a daily basis.....I wish you all good luck & hope she gets all "A's".  Then you can get a bumper sticker on your car that reads "I have a Great Pyrenees on the Honor Roll at ............"
Take care & keep us updated......this is great fun!!!! 

Kathy, Joe, Chewbear(Sammy) and Heidi(pyr)
Wish you well.. Woof, Woof