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Re: [PyrNet-L] Is it too late?

Never too late, Rose. We've just done the first 4 of 7 classes with Ivy
Rose, who's 5. Don't be discouraged if results seem slow at first. This
past week, I've had the sense that she actually understands the
commands. Now *doing* them is another story! But  suddenly she is easier
to walk on the leash, waits at the door until told she can go out instead
of pushing through the screen, and is even sitting and waiting until told
she may eat, when we put her food bowl in front of her. We only
*thought* her momma was stubborn! We only got this pyr in April, and she'd
been a kennel dog with no obedience or house training, although she'd had
lots of dog socialization and plenty of affection from her owner/breeders.
So, take heart, and you'll probably be really glad you waited for the
training program you really wanted.
Ann W