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[PyrNet-L] Flock Guardian Pyr Problem

In a message dated 12/17/98 8:31:51 AM Pacific Standard Time, clhenke@juno.com

<<  I never said that all children were bad, or
 no parent does his job.  But if they were, then their kid wouldn't be in
 the bottom of someones else's pool, on property that was not their own!!! >>

   Some good positive reasons that a good kid from good parents might be on
someone else's property:  My kids may have been on someone else's property
while they were collecting food for the hungry once or twice a year, or
clothing for Goodwill once a year, or maybe collecting winter clothing for the
Homeless shelter in winter. Or helping an elderly low-income family with their
cleanup after their home was completely burned down.  Or maybe my son was
helping rescue an injured wildlife critter to transport it to the
rehabilitation center.  Or maybe my older teen son (under my hubby's
supervision) was putting a new roof on one of two different elderly
handicapped low-income people's homes that otherwise wouldn't have been able
to afford it, as he did once a year! Or maybe they were delivering
Thanksgiving or Christmas baskets. Or even providing Christmas trees to the
needy as we did for 65 families one year for my son's Boy Scout Star rank
project.  Or maybe they were on someone's property collecting donated
appliances, and furniture and TV's and linens for the three new homeless
shelter apartments that he was in charge of completely furnishing for his
Eagle Project!!  Not everyone who sets foot on another's property is there to
do mischief or vandalize!!  
   And I should add that one time we did have another scout, that was
practically like an adopted son of mine, attacked and bitten on the rump and
legs by a vicious dog when we were collecting food left out for us to pick up
for the food drive one year. The people knew we were coming to pick up the
food they had left out for us. They had just put the food out that morning and
we were there within an hour of them putting the food out.  The scout did
nothing to provoke the dog other than picking up the bag of food and turning
to leave with it. I suppose the dog thought he was stealing something.....
maybe the owners should have restricted the dog until the food was picked up.
Maybe they feel OK having a dog that would attack a child for taking a bag
from their porch.  Maybe they feel the dog would then protect them if another
child, a "bad child" this time were stealing a bag from their porch by
attacking the "bad" child.  Some will feel this is Ok behavior for the dog and
that the dog was acting correctly.  I personally would jjust like him to be a
BIG presence in hopes that would be enough for the child to decide this isn't
the best house to try to steal from. But I personally would not want my dog to
attack a child for stealing a bag from my porch.  But that's just me. I
wouldn't want a dog that bites. I have Albert and my cat for companion pets,
not for lethal force!! 

:)  &  :)```   (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.