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Re: [PyrNet-L] Flock Guardian Pyr Problem

If your children find food or clothing or anything else for that matter
in someones swimming pool, more power to them.  There is a distinct
difference in walking up to someones front door, or trespassing the rest
of their property, and evidently a lot of you fail to distinguish the
difference.  I just bet your the type of folks who would sue, if your kid
fell in the same pool that they had no business being anywhere near.  But
the owners of the pool MUST provide multiple fencing on his own property
to keep these same kids out, and in the end, will probably still be sued!
 This applies to the dogs as well  Now unless you know of someone with a
moat around the front of their property, that a person would fall into
while walking up to your front door, I consider anything else trespass! 
I don't think anyone DESERVES to fall in a pool, or be bit by a dog. 
Both are events that happen.  I frankly am amazed at how irate everyone
has become in defense of rude or unmanageable children, maybe that is why
there are so many....people defend the behavior!  If you have good kids
that are not smashing mailboxes at 4:30 A.M, or on peoples property when
they were not invited, irritating other people when out in public, then
you have done your job as a parent!  I personally believe while there are
many great kids, still being parented in this world, there are far more
that are born to parents that produced them to pass on a name, and then
expect society to do something with them!  This is my belief, and I am
allowed to have it!  You are entitled to your own.  But  for all the
irate attitude I am getting, I wonder if all of you protest too much??

P.S. This is in regard to the letter by Janice Vocke, to avoid repeated
confusion, as to who said what!

Also, my gang are healthy happy, socialized and well adjusted, I do not
encourage vicious dogs.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

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