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Re: [PyrNet-L] RE:HEALTH:CHAT: LGD and the food they get

Beverly Coate wrote:

>         I am probably going to stir up a hornets nest of flames with this post,
> but this is a subject I keep preaching on and sometimes I wonder if I am
> getting any where.  Go to the website
> http://www.c-c-farms.com/rescue_page.html#JASPER and take a look at what
> the advice given to new owners to not feed the LGD breeds high protein or
> high fat dogfood accomplishes.

You're not going to get an argument from me! I raised my last GSD on premium puppy
food until the age of 18 months. He lived to be 12 with absolutely wonderful health
all his life. My current GSD will be on puppy food for another 6 months. Willow (my
Pyr rescue) was raised on inexpensive adult food until she came to my home. She
was/is underweight and a bit small for her age. She will be on puppy food for the
next 6 months...all with my vet's approval. I firmly believe that a growing body
and bones need all the nutrition they can get. You don't feed a human baby adult
food (even if his or her parents are over 6 feet tall) for their health...My dogs
receive the best food, a multiple vitamin and a smattering of yogurt each day...now
many will disagree with me; however, in my home this has always worked. My dogs are
healthy and generally do not need vet attention other than for their inoculations.
I firmly believe that what goes into a dog shows on the outside...coat, eyes,
teeth, gums, bone formation and growth and small, firm stool.

Michaelene & Savannah Leigh, neighborhood busy body,
Tony III, my companion, my protector, and
Willow, my gentle Pyrenees girl.