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Re: [PyrNet-L] Training Collars

On 15 Mar 99, at 21:33, klbyrd@tampabay.rr.com wrote:

>  Our trainer is suggesting the pinch collar because we are having a
> hard time getting her attention (she is 10 weeker old) and because the fur
> is so thick around the neck.  I am undecided.  I've never liked the pinch

First, you don't say, are you training at home or taking the 10 week 
puppy to training classes?  I would be very careful taking puppy out 
if it has not completed it's vaccine series. In our area vets 
recommend the full parvo series up to 16-20 weeks before puppies are 
taken out in public places.

You can start some attention training at home, works really well in 
the kitchen and my favorite place to start basic training with a new 
puppy.  The puppy can be standing or sitting, say the puppies name 
and then give the puppy your attention command, the minute the puppy 
looks you in the eye, give a treat.  Easy to chew soft treats are 
best, I use weanies cut in small pieces.  You only give the command 
once, every time eye contact is made, wham a treat, real fast and 
praise. Start out with very short one minute sessions several times a 
day.  Lots of praise and love too. Make it a fun, lively session of 
very short duration.  Puppy learns attention and it is fun, I always 
give hugs after our sessions and a fun happy release after. As the 
puppy matures increase the time of the attention training and expect 
more from the puppy.

At 10 weeks *I feel a puppy is too young for any strong corrections 
or commands and usually too sensitive. They have just left their 
littermates and Mom and are getting used to a new big world.   At 10 
weeks I was letting my puppy lead me around, allowing her to explore 
and get used to a nylon training collar and lead. Changing direction, 
frequently, so puppy would learn to follow and what constraint was 

I do not start any formal training with my puppies until they are 
about 5 months old, but they have learned, attention, sit, to walk on 
lead and no jump by that time, all done at home. In the warmer months 
parvo is serious here, so I am careful where I take the pups.

Taos, New Mexico