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Re: [PyrNet-L] Health: Care: Snakes

<<   I have figured out that the less potentially
 harmful (to my animals) method of snake removal is to shoot it.

::climbs into flame suit:: Okay ya'll, it isn't worth much, but here is my 

I have to disagree, as an animal enthusiast and previous reptile 
owner/handler. And I also will don my flame suit and then say that I 
personally think this is a closed minded statement. I do not think trying to 
eradicate what we fear or do not understand is the answer. There are certian 
situations when I would shoot a snake, but not "just because". Besides, do we 
want to encourage more ya-hoos to go run around shooting things?

About two years ago we came home and my Brittany had been bitten on the 
throat. We live in the middle of the woods, east of nowhere in GA. We have 
our share of copperheads, moccasins, and rattlesnakes, and I have found all 
three around my house. Well, three nights of hopitilazation later, and Tanner 
was fine. We were very lucky, and it was a very scary situation. The Dr. said 
either a rattler or a copperhead. I of course was freaked out. We did alot of 
cleaning out and underbrushing of our woods after that. We saw several 
snakes, but they left us alone and went on their way. Then one day I went out 
and there was a rattler approx 5 ft long. (I did go for the gun on this one, 
but he was gone before I returned) After that, I got two cats and about 30 
guineas. That was about a year ago, and we have seen no snakes since. The 
cats have been an extremely effective means of pest control. Not only for 
snakes, but for mice and spiders and other creepy-crawlies.

You can't shoot everything that is dangerous. What about spiders, bees and 
scorpions; or poisonous plants? 

shots are very expensive (this is an economically challenged section of the
country) and many people do not vaccinate at all.>>

I am sorry to hear this. :( I hope your babies are well vaccinated. This to 
me is unexcusable. I work for a vet, and we hear all the time, "I can't 
afford shots this year", well if you cannot afford it, you shouldn't have it. 
I know we can't control other people and what they do. Not to mention, the 
price of vaccines should not be outrageous. But there are those Doctors out 
for $$. It's a real shame.
