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Re: [PyrNet-L] One of those day?

On 12 Jul 99, at 16:40, Merrilie wrote:

> I guess everyone, including dogs, has one of those days..... I came home
> from work, and he had peed, pooped in the house not just once...... and I
> took him outside to do his thing... nope.... then when I tried to work
> with him, he wanted no part of it.  Pulled on the leash, chewed the leash,
> ran, fought, played, bit my knees.... and this went on for at least 10
> mins.  He is not about to cooperate, learn or whatever no matter what!  Is
> this common? That they want to do things when THEY want? not you???? 
> gheesh...  I hate to let him get away with that behavior now- I don't want
> him having the upper hand!  Any suggestions? Or are these just *off* days?
> Merrilie

Sounds like you need a crate for the times you are not at home.  
Puppy is safe and your floors are safe too! <vbg>
How long are you leaving him inside?  During the house breaking 
period they really do need to go out every 15-20 minutes, so there 
are no accidents.  If they are crated, they can manage to hold it for 
up to 4 hours.  Once they sleep all night without waking you, you 
know their little bladders can hold it longer.
Taos, New Mexico