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Re: [PyrNet-L] Zeke's visit to the vet....

On 9 Sep 99, at 16:55, ROBERT STABILE wrote:
> Okay okay. Zeke is underweight as everyone knew 68lbs and gaining
> slowly. 

Sonny weighed just a little more than that when I picked him up 
after he'd been returned to his breeder.  

The food I use is Innova and mine like a little bit of canned 
California Natural warmed in the microwave and put on their dry.  
My newfs a chow hound and will eat anything just about and the 
picky pyrs think it's pretty good stuff.  

I've also used a recipe called Super Chicken.  One whole chicken 
in crockpot, cover with water.  Cook on high for 24 hours.  Cook on 
low for 36 hours.  You will be able to crush the bones with a fork 
when it's done.  Put bones, meat, juice (a small amount at a time) 
into a blender or food processor.  Blend or process on high until the 
chicken mixture forms a smooth paste.  Can freeze it.  I warm by 
microwaving and add to their dry food.  Picky eaters usually love 
this one.    

> Imagine Guilty this
> 125lb lug and Zeke this 68Lb : ( lug sandwiching me. I think they are
> becoming  friends. I really mean that. They were running and playing
> and when Guilty gets close Zeke slams down on the ground and rolls on
> his back saying " You win, you win." 

Sounds about like my newf and Sonny playing except Linsey rolls 
Sonny and he comes back up for more.  Hey, this is great fun!  

Janice, janices@jump.net
Linsey (newf), Bianca & Sonny (pyrs)  
Leander, TX