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[PyrNet-L] RE: Zeke's Continuous Barking!!!

<<.  The thing that worked the best was hooking him up on his leash and
hooking the end over a door knob.  He took this as a cue to lay down, and at
the same time would be quiet.>>

I ended up having to put Montana on a leash at night. One that was long
enough so he could lay beside the bed and it was a chain so he could not
chew through it. This way I had some control and could immediately correct
for the barking. Montana did not like this, can't say that I did either <g>.
It took us several nights but the persistence paid off. He will still bark
some at night, but does not go into the incessant barking frenzy. A "Super
Soaker" water gun helped during the day. Anything less than a "Super Soaker"
he thinks is great fun! <VBG>.

Marci and Montana (Bark <blub blub blub>Bark Bark)
