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Re: [PyrNet-L] chewing off fur

On 27 Oct 99, at 7:55, Jack & Charlotte Perry wrote:

> Another solution is to wash the
> area and then use Gold Bond medicated powder.  Septiderm lotion is also
> good (can be ordered through Vet catalog)..
> It isn't always easy to figure out the cause of the itching.  For us, it
> often turns out to be a food allergy.  We have found that our Pyrs just do
> not do well w. high protein and high fat foods.  Actually, we are
> currently trying to figure out the cause of one of our dog's
> scratching....we think it is an allergy to corn! Charlotte

The first thing I think of is food allergy, then possibly a contact 
allergy depending on where the irritation is located on the dog. I 
have heard that corn or wheat are usually the cause of allergies. 
Sometimes it's the dye in dog foods also.  I have always had good 
luck with a natural Lamb and Rice food, no dyes, no BHA or BHT.

We live in a dry climate, so I am always surprised when I see rescue 
dogs with hot spots.  I just assume these are caused from poor care, 
feeding, grooming and stress.  After a good grooming and bath, I 
treat the hot spots with Gold Bond Medicated Powder, clipping the 
hair around the area to be treated. They usually clear right up and 
we see no more hot spots once the dog is properly cared for. Our 
rescue recommends lamb and rice food when we place the dogs, but know 
many people choose to feed other foods.  The dogs skin seems to stay 
healthy once they get regular care and attention.

I am in no way inferring that anyone on this list is not caring for 
their dogs properly, <g>, just observatons on health conditions.  
Many pyrs do have very sensitive guts and skin. Several of mine will 
react when I give them too much fat.  Especially my rescue who 
routinely dined at one of the county dumps. Maybe she kept herself on 
a fat free diet??  I recently stewed some chicken and rice as a treat 
and did not skim enough of the fat off, little Rita was upset for 

Taos, New Mexico