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Re: [PyrNet-L] all-in-one worm/flea control preparations


> ...As far as making the dog sterile,
> well that sounds like urban legend to me...

Even that is ranking it a bit high...  If someone ever brings this up,
I would like to see them demonstrate the common target in the
reproductive system between arthropods and animalia!  When we were
still in Wisconsin, a Program representative lectured to the GPCMM and
showed us the complete *absense* of side effects in dogs from a 70-fold
overdose of the stuff.

By the way, if there were any such side effects, not only would they
not be able to sell it for use in dogs, but the FDA would stop it due
to the same effect on humans.  Think of Propecia's warnings - "...women
should not handle... pills..."  If an oil-based drug would even have
the slightest such effect on human, it would never reach the market.

Regarding the new Revolution, I have not checked it out thoroughly yet,
but I'd be interested in the frequency and severity of side-effects
before considering its use.

Later, Patric

Patric Lundberg, PhD
Department of Virology
City of Hope National Medical Center
(626)359-8111 x2612
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