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Re: [PyrNet-L] shock collars and walking off lead

I hate to be the voice of dissension here but what the heck.  Does no one
else have a major problem with shock collars, pinch collars and such.  I for
one do.  A comment was made somewhere along the line that "if it helps you
to train the dog then it is a good thing" (my paraphrasing, sorry, I deleted
the original message).  Were does the line get drawn.  If a baseball bat to
the skull has the same effect would you use that!  An extreme example I know
but it makes the point.

I have never understood why people use such barbaric methods on their dogs.
I'm sorry but saying that it is too hard to control a big dog is garbage.
Take the time to train it properly.  If you have ever been to see dolphins
or killer whales at a Marineland Park then you see an example of why it is
wrong to claim that you can't control an animal because it is too large or
strong.  Put a pinch collar on a killer whale and give it a yank when they
do something you don't like.  See what happens.  I strongly suggest that you
give thought to the idea of contacting a motivational trainer and try
training your dog that way.  Not only is it more effective but it also
builds a bond between you and your dog.  The dog works because they want to
please you not because they fear a penalty.  It does take a bit longer but
the results are well worth the effort.  I am planning to exhibit a bitch in
obedience this spring that has been trained only using this method.  If I
can do it, believe me, absolutely anyone can do it.

If anyone wants some more detailed info I would be happy to forward
literature to you privately.  Now if I can just get my soapbox to fit back
under my desk, I'll be all set.

Take Care,
Doug Hustins
Acroyar Great Pyrenees

----- Original Message -----
From: <Rsk1951@aol.com>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: November 3, 1999 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [PyrNet-L] shock collars and walking off lead

> I have run into this problem with my pyr on a shock collar and yes indeed
> shock collar stopped the fight immediately. Both dogs were off leash and
> other was a big unneutered lab.Neither dog appeared to be trying to harm
> other-really a dominance thing I think and so did the other owner.I zapped
> dog once and he immediately stopped.Don't know if they were REALLY
> fighting,would it have had the same outcome.
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