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Re: [PyrNet-L] shock collars and walking off lead

Doug, if it is any consolation I'm sure there are a lot of us that
actually agree with you.  Everyone seems to be bending over backwards
trying not to offend ?

In this day and age where we are supposedly learning better ways to teach
behavior without being abusive, I too agree with your revulsion towards
shocking and using pinch collars.  I would bet there are others out there
that also agree.  We have never used those type of methods on any of our
dogs, and after reading " Dogs Never Lie About Love"  we even think more
about the behavior we use with any of our animal family.  These are
intelligent thinking beings, that respond well to learning, but they also
deserve to be respected for having a different way of looking at things. 
Seems like a cop-out of responsibility to me, to resort to this type of

I applaud you for speaking out, and I absolutely agree with you.  An
article in  " The Whole Dog Journal " Nov.,  really made me think about
training methods through the years.  It is a wonder dogs love us so
easily and are so willing to work for us at all.  We really do treat
animals in a ridiculous fashion!

Thank you for speaking up, and good showing!  Let us know how things go
in the Obed. ring!    Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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