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Re: [PyrNet-L] shock collar information

In a message dated 11/3/99 0:45:45 AM EST, ARIEGE@xtra.co.nz writes:

<< but today I really wonder what my problem was
 when every other flaming dog around here barks non stop!! >>

When our pyrs first started to bark, I would get up at night and yell out the 
bedroom window at them to stop.  I didn't want any of the neighbors being 
"inconvenienced."  Well, like you, as time has gone on, I've become more 
relaxed, and realised that it's not "Just" our dogs that are barking.  
Actually our one neighbor has 3 dogs -- all of which carry on at night.  And 
we've put up with them for a far longer time!  Guess that's just one of the 
joys of living in the country :-)

Taylors, South Carolina