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Re: [PyrNet-L] shock collars and walking off lead

In a message dated 11/3/99 8:28:49 AM EST, jstathis@andover.edu writes:

<< my biggest fear walking my dog off lead in
 public places is that she will meet an oncoming dog and get involved in a
 brawl before i have a chance to catch up and call her away. >>

This is a genuine concern for any dog owner, and (in my opinion) the main 
reason why all dogs should be on leashes in public places.  We often take 3 
pyrs to Furman University for a walk around their lake.  Zoe and Tanuki are 
fine, but Baron and Kes can be a bit "ackward" when it comes to strange dogs. 
 Baron is generally ok, except for huskies, but Kes has now taken to not 
liking ANY other dogs.  We have actually considered putting a muzzle on her 
at times.  And while we may have our dogs on leashes and "under control," if 
other dogs come up to them, a conflict can occur.

Taylors, South Carolina