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Re: [PyrNet-L] Puppy Bath

What type of dryer are you using?  When we first started out with our guys, I 
used an old hair dryer.  (I know, it drys the hair too much because of the 
heat, but at the time it was all I had.  We now have a proper animal dryer.)  
This didn't have as much force as a proper animal dryer, and Baron and Zoe 
didn't mind it.  The animal dryer we have makes a lot more noise and is 
stronger, but they don't seem to mind.  This past weekend, I used it on 
Tanuki, and he didn't want any part of it.  Part of it was the noise, and 
part was the force of the air.  I tried to show him by turning it on me, that 
it wasn't going to hurt him, but even as big as he is, he's still a big baby. 
 Start out slow, and keep the force of the air as low as possible.  Also keep 
away from their heads -- our guys are funny about that.  Finally, I started 
by working on his legs first, then working up the body.  This seemed to help. 
 The more you use it on them, the better they seem to become, once they 
realise that it's not out to get them.

Taylors, South Carolina