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Fw: [PyrNet-L] Sniffing.

Any one new to the property gets the full personal treatment not only from
Pyr but the Maremmar as well. Usually after that the sniffing gets less,
unless there has been a long break between visits. Some visitors don't even
get an escort now.
I have had one person that got the really heavy treatment and I now know
why. He no longer comes to the property. Perhaps the dogs know something you
don't about the person

Liz (Benson, Falcor and Bella from down under)

-----Original Message-----

>Have a question for the experienced Pyr. folk, maybe especially those in
>multiple dog homes>Do you find your Pyrs. to be more sniffy with visitors,
than other
>breeds?  More persistent about checking people out?  My daughter has a
>boyfriend right now that these dogs will not leave alone