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Re: [PyrNet-L] giant breed?

  I had
> one guy come up to my
> Pyr Ranger and exclaim that he must weigh 165 lbs.
> at least.  I told him
> that at the time Ranger only weighed 112 lbs. on
> 31", and while he would
> gain some weight as he matured, it was unlikely he
> would ever see 165
> lbs.! 

    I've seen that over and over.  I kind of get a
kick out of the look on people's faces when they guess
Jake weighs about 120 pounds and I tell them 90.  I
know his weight for sure because I put him on a scale
every couple of weeks, just to keep an eye on growth.
   The Brazilian Mastiff I mentioned really did weigh
116 pounds at 7 months though.  He was a playmate of
our dogs, and one of "his people" is a vet tech.  We
were all shocked everytime they weighed him, because
he didn't look that heavy, unless you tried to lift
him.  He was solid muscle.  Way over- dominant male,
though. The only other male dog he'd tolerate was my
Jake, I guess since they'd played together as pups.  
They eventually, gave up any hope of breeding him, and
had him neutered.  He is doing a lot better now. 
Watching them try and train, and curtail that dogs
attitude made me very much appreciate my gentle pyrs. 
Wouldn't have wanted to be in their place for

"Bluebonnets" by Julia D. Booth
Offical Flower Song of the State of Texas
Bluebonnets, blue lovely Bluebonnets,
More beautiful than all the rest.
Texas chose you for her flower,
And we love you best, Bluebonnets.
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