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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: Bell the sheep

Kiradaw@aol.com wrote:

>    Hello Ame, I had a pet sheep, her Mother died and I bottle raised her, 
>she also thought I was her Mother and that she was a dog. She did all the 
>things you are saying your sisters did, but she also chased the mail lady 
>if she could with the dogs down the fence line, it was too funny. Bell 
>would also dig holes with the dogs! Bell died 3 years ago and I miss her a 
>lot but I will never go that route again I loved her too much. She loved 
>Easter baskets and used to carry one around all the time and to this day I 
>cant look at an Easter basket without getting teary eyed.

   She sounds as if she were lovely and a card. What a picture! I  know that 
my sister will be heartbroken when Pearl goes as you were with Bell but know 
that that is part of loving Pearl (as you did Bell). Until then more Frosted 
Flakes all around, more running with the other dogs, and gee, maybe Pearl 
can learn to bring the paper in?!?
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