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[PyrNet-L] Is it a Wolfhound? A Golden? No, it's a Pyr!

snip<<When Kim(my Pyr) was a year and a half, I had her
in obedience class and had a person walk up and say- That is the most
beautiful Golden Retriever I have ever seen! At first I was dumbstruck,
doesn't happen often, LOL, then I smiled and told him she was a GP. He was a
very nice man and we talked a bout Pyrs for a bit, I thought it was really
cute.>> end snip

Thanks for the welcome, Debbie, I certainly do hope to learn a lot about
Pyrs from the members of this list...While no-one has mistaken Freya for a
Golden, no-one seems to know what she is! The first question is always,
"What kind of dog IS that?" And I proceed to fill them in on what I do know
about Pyrs...Of course, living in the suburbs, one sees mostly smaller dogs
and not herders like Pyrs...I must say, though, that Freya gets loads of
attention and everyone seems so attracted to her, and she gets loads of pats
and hugs...And she really does a wonderful job of guarding my house, which
is so reassuring for me! Freya stories...hmmm... Not many of them yet
really, as I have only had her for a month, and we are still adjusting to
each other. I have many private moments of joy from her, though, and I'll be
sure to let you know if she does anything exciting...Would love to hear more
about Kim.

RS, Lisette Anderson