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Re: [pyrnet] Behavior issue

I'm going to try to behave myself on this one, although I must admit that
it gets my back up.

I definitely agree with Barb as far as the natural type remedy, to help
with the anxiety.  Or if you need more, get the Vet. to check her out (
that's a first, for a lot of reasons ), and put her on one of the drugs
that help with anxiety.  Checking for what real physical pain she may be
in as well.

Somehow I get the feeling from your letters that you have a certain pride
in the dogs bonding to you more than anyone else.  You may actually have
caused your own problems here.  In a family, dogs need to have a strong
bond with everyone.  It won't be the same type for each member but  a dog
should enjoy each member of his pack for something special, just as a
family relies on each other.

Get/read " Dogs Never Lie About Love", and think about how the dog
actually feel.  Two years out of a rescue situation and being in a
family, seems to merit more time and work than being re-homed or put

In the last week on Dateline-20/20 type shows I have seen Anorexic
children, a man who hated his stomach and couldn't stand to look or touch
it (?), and a fellow who smashed his nose in with a hammer, because he
didn't like the way he looked (?????).  All of these ( and more ) are in
long term therapy for their problems.  Somehow we jump to putting this
poor dog down as an answer?

Please remember that biting is sometimes the only way a dog can attempt
to correct what is bothering him/her.   She seems to be pulling her
punches so to speak, and warning, the way she would one of her own kind. 
You may need to teach your kids more " Dog-speak", and watch the little
ones. How well was anyone reading warning signs before this actually took
place?  For the sake of the kids you will be having to watch this real
close, but this should be done while you are attempting to correct the
situation, not eliminating the dog.  Didn't you say in one of your notes
that you already got rid of one Pit-bull mix.  Now the problem with this
one?  I think I would really try to see what I might be doing, and then
work towards a change, rather than eliminating the dog.  In the future
too, I would look for dogs that actually have a better record with
kids.G.S.D's. are strongly either/or.  Unless your real adept at handling
dogs natural inclinations you might be better sticking to a breed that
adapts easier to kids.  In all honesty Pit types are usually wonderful
with children, do you know what the cross was?

I almost didn't answer this knowing that it could result in flaming.  But
since you asked....?  A trip back to the trainer might be in order too. 
If the dog is not in pain, maybe she needs more outside stimulation,
doing things, going places with some attention on her.  It might make her
less sullen around the kids.  In any event I do hope you work on this to
help her, and in the mean time, be real careful in situations with kids. 
I.M.O    Hope this helps or gives you ideas.    Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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