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Re: [pyrnet] Newfie-Shep mix issue

I've euthanized 2 dogs, both Pyrs, and both mine, for temperament
problems. Both hated children, both bit. One severely. Both were
poorly bred puppymill/BYB dogs. Yes, we tried everything. But, as
the dogs could never be trusted, and one $90,000.00 lawsuit
settlement later. I opted for euthanasia. I felt that this was
the only way to protect the dog and the reputation of the breed.
Sure, I could have passed these problem dogs along to someone
else, but it would have been a disaster waiting to happen. One
slip, one time, and a child could easily have died. Or, the
people who could have eventually ended up with these dogs could
have decided to beat it out of them so to speak. And yes, one
trainer advised our trying this! I WILL NOT tolerate abuse to my
dogs, especially at my own hand! Both were evidently born with
some sort of demon inside their heads. It broke my heart and
believe me I cried, a lot. But I felt that the best thing to do
for these poor souls was to be kind and euthanize them. I was
there, holding them in my arms, telling them I loved them when
they passed over. These two were my first two Pyrenees. I'm so
thankful I did not give up on the breed as the joy my Pyrs give
me are well worth the heartache caused by the first two. These
two dogs are two that should have never been born, but I'm a
better person from having gone through this with them. Nancy, I
know your pain and I'm very sure this is a decision you have not
made lightly. I am totally committed to saving a dog that can be
saved, but the sad fact is, some cannot.

Barb Bowes
Bo, Molly, Chelsea (Pyrs) & Flopsy (Pyr Shep)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!