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Re: [pyrnet] Kids vs. pets (was behavior issues)

Robyn, I do have children, and in some ways, prefer dogs. <S>
Dogs only go through the terrible teens for a few months to a
year! My daughter is 16 and requires make-up, the latest
fashions, rides to parties, work, friends homes, etc. We
affectionately call her the "Princess"! (I occasionally have to
remind her that it still makes me Queen which is one step above
her title, thank you!) My son is 19 and has all the answers! As a
matter of fact he's known everything about everything for about 5
years! He does not clean up his messes and his attitude stinks.
Give me a pet, any day! I'm sure I'll like my kids much better
when they move out! LOL In the meantime, I always love them, but
nowhere is it written that I have to like them! I think I'll wish
for them, the same thing my mother wished for me. Children just
like they were!  LOL

Barb Bowes
Bo, Molly, Chelsea (Pyrs) & Flopsy (Pyr Shep)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!