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Re: [pyrnet] Kids vs. pets (was behavior issues)


Amen!  I've got a couple of kids and, as you've said, I always love them
even when I don't like them.  Bill and I were out a few weekends ago, sans
children.  They were away for the weekend so we took advantage and did all
the activities they deem boring grown up stuff.  At the end of the busy
Saturday, we settled in to Outback Steak House.  Both of us were feeling
guilty about our pyrs being stuck home alone all day.  Several times
throughout dinner, I had to stick my fingers in my ears because of the
high-pitched shrieking of a little kid a couple of tables over.  That set us
off on one of our favorite topics:  If people can bring their noisy, messy,
misbehaving kids into restaurants, why can't we bring our dogs?  They're
better behaved, quieter, and in some cases, smell better.  We go down the
list of all the objections to having dogs in restaurants that we can think
of and counter them.

Dogs may "go" on the floor  -  try eating your soup when the baby at the
next table has pooped his diaper
Dogs may "groom" their privates  -  children pick their noses and do all
sorts of interesting things with it
Dogs may beg  -  little kids wander around, sometimes stopping to stare at
you as you eat
Dogs may bark  -  babies cry and angry kids scream and shriek
Dogs carry diseases  -  in some cases (sad but true) pets are better
immunized than children
A dog laying on the floor takes up too much space  -  navigating around
these new all-terrain strollers is a challenge

Other reasons to let dogs in restaurants:
They don't beg for balloons, ice cream, Happy Meals with prizes
If they don't get their way, they won't lay on the floor screaming and
They don't talk back
They don't spill their drinks
They don't eat two whole French fries and then announce they're full and
demand to be taken home
They don't wipe their faces on their shirts

I say we start a movement!


----- Original Message -----
From: Barb Bowes <bamb@monmouth.com>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Kids vs. pets (was behavior issues)

> Robyn, I do have children, and in some ways, prefer dogs. <S>
> Dogs only go through the terrible teens for a few months to a
> year! My daughter is 16 and requires make-up, the latest
> fashions, rides to parties, work, friends homes, etc. We
> affectionately call her the "Princess"! (I occasionally have to
> remind her that it still makes me Queen which is one step above
> her title, thank you!) My son is 19 and has all the answers! As a
> matter of fact he's known everything about everything for about 5
> years! He does not clean up his messes and his attitude stinks.
> Give me a pet, any day! I'm sure I'll like my kids much better
> when they move out! LOL In the meantime, I always love them, but
> nowhere is it written that I have to like them! I think I'll wish
> for them, the same thing my mother wished for me. Children just
> like they were!  LOL
> Barb Bowes
> Bo, Molly, Chelsea (Pyrs) & Flopsy (Pyr Shep)
> The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!
> bamb@monmouth.com
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