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[pyrnet] Old time feeding.

Hi Cindy and list,

I too grew up in the 50s and we had a black cocker. She was "mine"
and my responsibility to feed and walk. I got the walk part down really
well, but the feeding was another issue.

We just fed canned food to her. It smelled terrible and I always had
a real queasy stomach. I would try to hold my breath long enough to
open the can (non-electric opener), scoop it out in her bowl, put it on
the floor and run. I wasn't very good at this, and would gag my way into
the bathroom. My mother thought I was being overly dramatic until
one day I couldn't be home for the feeding and she did it. Never saw
that canned stuff again.

It became my job to cut up whatever my mother prepared for Skipper's dinner.
It was usually the same as we ate. Like your Mom, Cindy, my mother was also
a nurse and very nutrition conscious. I think I learned the food groups at about
the same time I learned the ABCs. So we never worried about how balanced
Skipper's food was.

Skipper lived to be 18. She saw me through elementary school, high school,
and was there when I came home from college. After I was married I would
"baby sit" her at my home when my parents went on vacation. She was too
old to go to a kennel.

So I guess thats how my career as a natural dog food person was started ;-).

Carol Brescher Boyle

> Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 09:30:38 -0500
> From: clhenke@juno.com
> Subject: [pyrnet] Re: Old time feeding.
> Pyr. list is quiet, so I thought I would toss this out to maybe liven
> things up  ( in a peaceful way ), and get some activity going.