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Re: [pyrnet] Re: Flooring

Carol, I clean houses for a living and work on all kinds of
floors. Ceramic tile will wear like iron but it's very hard on
your legs if you spend a great deal of time walking on it. It is
also slippery when wet, even the roughened kind. Get dirt colored
grout. I'm not kidding! I spent 3 eight hour days last January
using acid to clean someone's grout and then resealing it. It
still needs scrubbing with a scrub brush and there's only 2
adults and no pets in the house. To be honest, it was a 20' by
40' area approximately so it took a lot of time. I've also worked
with Pergo and was not impressed. Expensive flooring that wears
like cheap flooring. I don't care how good the guarantee is, it's
still a hassle getting it fixed and, they try to tell you that
you've violated the guarantee by using it in a manner it was not
meant to be used! Personally I prefer linoleum. Easier on the
legs, safer to walk on when wet, and every glass or dish you drop
doesn't break! Also work in a beautiful home that has natural
quarry tile. At least with that the dishes don't break (usually)
but if you drop something the tile chips!

Barb Bowes
Bo, Molly, Chelsea (Pyrs) & Flopsy (Pyr Shep)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!