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[pyrnet] Pyr Sighting

Hello everyone,
    I just wanted to share with you a Pyr sighting I have just found! There 
is a brand of Soda here in the States and Canada called "Jones" Soda. It is 
made by Urban Juice and Soda Company. They make all kinds of interesting 
flavors of soda and then they market it in clear 16oz bottles with a black 
and white label. Each label has a random photograph on it and there are 
hundreds of them out there. They are mostly all numbered, though, and #382 
has a picture of a Pyr wearing somebody's trousers! I couldn't believe it 
when I saw it. I don't even have a bottle with this picture on it, I just saw 
it on the internet, but it was great! I have a copy of the picture in bitmap 
form if anyone is interested in it. I just didn't know if it would transfer 
well. It's so cute!

-Emily Martorano