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[pyrnet] the moment finally arrived!

 Hi everyone!  Just thought I'd share with you my experience the other
morning.  I rescued a GP back in April and after an extended stay at my
father's ( a vet) kennel, we were able to bring him home.  WE live in a
neighborhood where everyone does not always follow the rule of about dogs
being on leashes or in a fence.  So everytime I have walked my pyr and my
jack russell mix, I have been alert and somewhat fearful of meeting another
dog.  My pyr is about a year and a half old, nuetered, but I was not sure
how he would react to another dog since he is very aggressive with the dog
next door.  Well, I had my chance to find out.  We were out walking, and
turned a corner.  In a yard was a female lab.  I sat my pyr down in the
road, back to the dog, calling to the boys with the lab to get her.  I held
my jack russell on leash but let her greet the strange dog....she is such a
playful thing.  Well, the lab attacked my jack russell and Ki my pyr wasn't
having any part of that.  He turned around a pinned the lab down.  There was
alot of growing and barking, but no one was hurt.  Ki allowed me to pull him
off the lab, and on down the road we went, with a parting comment from me
about keeping their dog on it's run. I was very pleased that Ki didn't
actually hurt the other dog, but showed her who was dominant.  I was also
glad that I didn't lose my hold on his leash.  I haven't been around a "dog
fight" before so this was a scary experience for me.  But it turned out okay
in the end.  I just hope it doesn't happen again.

Ann Marie