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Re: [pyrnet] re:dogfight

Ann Marie, you might at least go ahead and inquire  as to the Humane
Societies classes, if you don't find anything better in your area.  I
would think that they may be highly motivated to help people work through
problem areas.  Since they are in the business of keeping dogs out of the
shelter and in good homes.  Also, some classes do conduct the main class,
with an area for dogs that may be aggressive to the rest of the group off
to the side.   In one class I went to there were three highly aggressive
Golden Retrievers ( which amazed me ) that were made to work off to the
side.   It seems to work just fine, funny enough.  I'm sure it depends on
your ability to keep Ki from running into a group.  It seems to allow the
dogs to be exposed to a group of calmer dogs, and learn that they don't
even really care.  As they do their exercises off to the side, it gives
them something to think about.  Let the instructor know that he was a
"chained" dog ( there is a whole pattern here that goes with dogs  when
they are 
chained ), and his being hungry and having to  battle for food.  If you
find something that works, then so much the better.  But you should at
least think about checking in with the H. S. classes.  Good luck, it can
be tough!  Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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