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[pyrnet] RE: pyrnet-l-digest.20000829

The Jack Russells will probably be hopping over the bottom wire (or crawling
under), they being very bright little puppies, and they won't hit the wire
more than once.  Seriously, I have seen cats hit the fence, and while they
truly were not happy about the experience, they ran away.  

As for the placement of the top wire, I used the about 8" standoffs commonly
available set at about 45 degrees up and inward.  The last thing you want to
do is shock someone walking along the outside of the fence.  This way it
adds a few inches to the height of the fence, and keeps them from crawling
up.  If you are installing the fence yourself, remember to buy the little
insulated hook handles for the gates.  Nothing like building a fence with no
gates in it.

Good luck  (you're going to need it)

Jack Mowery and Belle (aren't you glad I'm not a fence climber yet?) of the
Amarillo Mountains

Date:	Tue, 29 Aug 2000 09:44:17 -0600
From:	SArtz@wiche.edu <mailto:SArtz@wiche.edu> 
Subject:	RE: [pyrnet] RE: pyrnet-l-digest.20000828

Will this "livestock" size shock hurt my little jack russells?  Also, where
exactly should I put the wire?  a few inches above the top of the fence?
inside the top of the fence?