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Re: [pyrnet] Forelimb Anomaly was New subscriber

Later information.  In newfs it was first thought by breeders the 
defect to be a form of dwarfism or achondroplasia.  Now that could 
be true in pyrs.  As far as information I have the form of elbow 
anomaly in newfs has not shown up in other breeds.  In puppies 
there are early radiographic changes which permit detection.  
There's a distinct variation in affected dogs, from those mildly 
affected,  to those that require surgery, to those it would be best to 
euthanize.  Mode of inheritance leaning to be autosomal recessive. 
In those affected the parents are normal.  

Janice, janices@austin.rr.com
Lana & Linsey (newfs), Sonny (pyr)  
Hutto, TX