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Re: [pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20000904-3

In a message dated 9/6/00 12:41:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
closetothesky@webtv.net writes:

<<  Another breeder harshly informed me when I questioned him
 that if you breed loose-lipped to loose-lipped you are going to get
 that. Ths breeder was not on this site. Does anyone else have babies who
 slime you? >>

I think all Pyrs drool, at some time or other.  Some just do it more than 
others, and this is usually because of the shape of the lips.  The looser the 
lips, the more you'll get "slimed".  Pyrs aren't supposed to have the loose 
mouths like St. Bernards or Newfoundlanders.  Our first male has a loose 
mouth.  You would be surprised where I've found slobber slung -- and often 
times it's only found when we're doing a special cleaning because visitors 
(usually relatives) are coming!

Taylors, SC