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Re: [pyrnet] Choke chains

In a message dated 10/12/00 1:12:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
kgranju@yahoo.com writes:

<< Where on the web is the best place to see an up
 todate, comprehensive calendar of all the dog events
 taking place all over the country: shows, trials,
 agility, etc? Is there such a thing? 
 Also, do y'all keep your Pyrs on heartworm
 preventative all year 'round?
Go to the AKC web site -- www.akc.org, for a listing of the shows they offer. 

As for heartworm preventative, we keep ours on all year round.  Doesn't get 
that cold here in South Carolina even in the winter to warrent stopping for a 
month or two.  If you do stop, my vet will not just let you start taking the 
medicine again, but requires a heartworm check first.  Also, remember, 
heartworm preventative isn't just for heartworms, but takes care of the other 
worms (except tapeworms).

Taylors, SC