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[pyrnet] Re: Cindy

     We're all fine here.  Our winter has also been really, really cold here
in SC.  Its warmed up a bit the past week thank goodness.  In a way I am glad
as last year was such a horrible bug year here.   Even with Fronline on the
dogs we were fighting ticks like crazy.  Worst year I have ever seen for
them.  I am hoping some of the parasites froze.  I have already stocked up on
Frontline for this spring.  We all are chubbier at this house from winter I
swear.  I rub Gracies tummy and she is chubby too.  Sir Nigel of Truffles
must weigh in at about 160 pounds now.  Thank goodness he and Gracie have
arrived a a mutual tolerance for each other.   She always left him alone, but
he would snap at her (never got her) when she walked by him for months.  What
I did is let them be in the yard with a fence between them a lot.  He stands
by the fence nose to nose with her and huffs and does the piggy stance thing,
and she just looks at him like he's lost his mind.  She is such a gentle
wonderful dog.  I was watching her outside with the chickens when I let her
out this morning and they seem to like her too.  I will have to get a photo
of her with my little Cockren rooster(sp?) boy Ross.  He is the cutest little
guy with feathered feet and white in color.  All of our pets are
exceptionally friendly.
How about sending me some photo's of your piggies and dogs?  I would love to
see them.
Cindy wrote:
If I can ever snap a picture at the right time Linda, I will try to get
one off to you! :-)  How is the piggy and the rest of the gang?  Our two
have really gotten tubby over this colder winter here.   Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

Linda in SC
Family pets below:                             
