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Re(2): [pyrnet] new behavior-growling at small dog

We haven't had any problems over food with Ivy and Paddington. Paddington
and Shelley had a few tussles when we first got Shelley, but that stopped
pretty quickly. One of the things we have done early on with each dog is
make sure there's no reaction to our picking up their bowls while they're
eating, taking a bone from them, etc. Ivy tried growling once at Peg when
she did this, shortly after she came to live with us, but was so startled
at Peg's rapid correction that she hasn't tried it again! I don't know
whether this would carry over to another dog. She (Ivy) routinely licks
out Paddington's bowl when he's finished, just to be sure he hasn't left
anything--fat chance!!
Ann, Peg, Paddington and Ivy Rose