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Re: [pyrnet] Why is this getting ugly?/ The Spokane dog and rescue

<< In my opinion for what it's worth, is that anyone who decides to help
> unwanted dogs, at anytime, is a saint!
> I don't see why this should be something to fight about. I think that the
> work Linda does is incredible, and it must be very hard and frusterating.>>

Yes, rescue is hard and frustrating work. And the Internet sometimes can
make it harder and even more frustrating. I think just about anyone who
has worked for any time in rescue can attest to this :)

There have been occasions where I have spent hours making arrangements
for a dog, only to get to the shelter to find it has been pulled by
someone who heard about it on the Internet. Now, in one way I don't mind
this -- more room for the next dog who won't be so lucky as to be
plastered all over the Net. But it is an irritant, nonetheless. There
are more than enough dogs not to be expending this kind of unnecessary

My advice, if you really want to help, is to contact the local rescue
group and let them take care of it or coordinate it with them. If any of
you would like to help in rescue, I'm sure your local groups would
*love* to have your assistance.

Darrell Goolsbee
Fort Worth, TX