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Re: [pyrnet] Re:Q

>Actually on the Pyrs. I do prefer them to be soft and fluffy rather than
>the protective oils getting too heavy, so ours probably do get bathed
>more than most (3-4 weeks) , non-show dogs. 
* Zeus is more like 4-5 weeks, now, unless needed. My vet thinks with all
his swimming and me bathing him (once a week), caused his skin to dry out,
and he was ichy all the time. I thought he was constantly covered in fleas,
and that the Program wasn't working. It turned out to be just dry skin. So I
had to quit bathing him so much.
> I just think it is less work
>than to brush through an oily coat.  When they are brushed it
>reconditions the coat pretty quickly anyway, I have found.
*Yes as with the horses, brushing stimulates and distributes the natural
oils of the skin, in doing so, makes their skin more healthy and hair shiny.
I have an friend who complained that her horse was always covered in
dandruff, when she told me she only grooms when necessary, or just the
saddle area, I told her that was her problem. She started grooming more
regularly, and the dandruff went away.
>In any event I think their skin is healthier when the coat is soft and
>fluffy and air gets through to the skin.  Just what goes on around here,
>but I will try the Mane and Tail on them.
I don't know why, but it also seems to keep them from shedding as much, or
maybe Zeus is just different. He shed's, but not half as much as say, my
friends Husky does. Also he doesn't "blow" his undercoat, at least not in
the way I take "blowing the undercoat" to mean. Like in the Husky.
Normal? Yes? NO?

>Cindy Henke
>Ennis, Texas
>"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
>in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka
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