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RE: [pyrnet] New to Breed

>I've been researching them
> a fair bit, and one thing I'm worried about a little bit is barking. Do
> Pyrenees bark a lot?

Ellie, we currently have four Pyrs (with rescues have had as many as 6 at
one time) and the amount of barking that occurs depends upon the dog.  From
my experience, the females tend to be more vocal than the males.  Our
oldest female is affectionately call the "bark-o-matic", and the minute you
let our youngest female out in the yard, she begins running around like
crazy barking her fool head off, almost as if announcing to the world that
"she's arrived".  Our two males, however, will bark, but seem to have to be
really motivated.  I also love their barks -- deep, rich "woolf" sound, as
opposed to our youngest female's "arf, arf, arf" which is high pitched and
piercing.  I do hope she soon matures and gets a deeper bark <G>.  I have
found that as they get older our guys seem to bark a bit less.  BTW -- we
have a male and female as LGDs and the other male and female as indoor
--- Robyn Allwright
--- ziffanyrobyn@earthlink.net
--- Ziffany Great Pyrenees & Tibetan Mastiffs