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Re: [pyrnet] Thoughts...

   Well said, Nancy.
  I can only remind the peaceniks-at-any-price that had the elder
George Bush and Bill Clinton taken care of the terrorism issue years
ago, all those thousands who died today would have been safely at home
at this hour.
  When someone starts a fight, as these desperate
ignoramuses have, you do not have a choice of whether to fight.
   The FBI, the CIA and the National Security Agency have tons of
evidence against terrorists, who  justly deserve to die where they
   We have in this country listened to liberal gibberish
since the election of Franklin Roosevelt, black is white,
have pity on the criminals, the murderers, the rapists and the
robbers, let them out of prison, send a social worker
to beg the courts to let them go.  Pure nonsense.  We are reaping the
agony of  so-called liberalism in too many aspects of American life.
It is destroying us and our country.  Murderers deserve to
die,preferably in the same manner as their victims.
   If Bill Clinton and George Bush had not wimped out on terrorism,
had followed Ronald Reagan's example with Libya, there would have been
no Trade Center deaths today. If George W. Bush wimps out, expect more
bombings and worse.
  It is time to do something with years of evidence against hundreds
of terrorists.  If the countries giving them aid don't like it, 'bomb
them back into the stone age,' to borrow a Barry Goldwater phrase.
This is the richest and most powerful nation on earth.  It got that
way because Americans were unique in their approach 'under God.'
   To let a few hundred straggling fanatics wreck what generations
have built is unpardonable.
   Civilization depends upon law and justice. We have seen precious
little of it in this country in 70 years. Drive in prisons equipped
with pizza, color tv and  visits from
girlfriends and wives do not deter lawlessness.  The terrorists know
that even if caught they wouldn't spend
many years in prison in this country. The purpose of prisons is not to
rehabilitate some near do well whiner,  who would take your life to
keep from working. It is not even to punish him or her.  Prison
sentences are merely to get the scum off the street and out of your
way.  We have forgotten that.
    I, for one, hope to awaken with American planes with American
crews flying over Afghanistan. We know who these people are, let's go
get them, not for long indecisive trials...kill them where they stand.
If the countries hiding them don't like it, level their capitol city,
bomb their homes
(we have the technology and weapons to do just that) and stop this
madness before they bomb your house.  That is what your father and
grandfather would have done.  It works.
   President Bush will paint his own portrait for history in the next
48 hours.  The buck has stopped on his desk.
He will either make up for the sins and omissions of his father and
Bill Clinton, or not.
   Yes, pray for the people, pray for the Republic
and others who will die this way, unless we have a President strong
enough to defend our country and our way of life.

Hermit in the Woods, praying with you.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy K" <nakhere@hotmail.com>
To: <pucketts@baraboo.net>
Cc: <jalt@uwc.edu>; <denker@macc.wisc.edu>; <pegdrdog@aol.com>;
<frasepk@doj.state.wi.us>; <beachdrifter1@juno.com>;
<kalinaca@doj.state.wi.us>; <benn@merr.com>;
<miemietzsk@doj.state.wi.us>; <niebuhrac@doj.state.wi.us>;
<pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>; <rains@doj.state.wi.us>;
<sheila.roznos@doa.state.wi.us>; <frantrainor5@hotmail.com>;
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:33 PM
Subject: [pyrnet] Thoughts...

> It's taken me quite a long time to get thru to you tonight. Got home
> late...was in a program (day one) of an 8 segment session on
> promoted by the campus. While I was parking, I heard the news.
Didn't really
> understand it all. I haven't looked at the email that I got from you
> as the internet is extremely slow...I suppose phone lines are tight.
> horribly sad...I can't eat, can't picture sleeping tonight. All
> families destroyed. The heroes are the ones on that plane that must
> gotten control of the plane and stopped it from destroying Camp
David. Their
> families should be proud, I sure am. The class closed early...I
drove around
> aimlessly. Came home and my boy Benn had left a message that the
school in
> Madison (MATC) he is attending at 30 years to develop a future
> had closed at second period. I'm glad to have heard something from
him. I
> think of the state Justice Departments...I think of the Pentagon.
> necessary personnel will show up for work because that is what they
(I) had
> known what was expected. That is the separation between law
enforcement and
> the public. I'm just putting down thoughts. I hope you will
understand. I
> know that if I was on one of those planes and knew I was going to
die, I
> would have tried to stop whatever plane I would have been on.... I
know it
> in my soul. I put one of my Christmas candles in the window of my
house when
> I got home after this horrible day ended in my mind. It will stay
lit until
> this ordeal has ended. All the pain, all the families, all of God's
> that didn't deserve this. All that kept running thru my mind was the
> smallSunday School voice of ..."This little heart (soul) of mine,
I'm gonna
> let it shine". Please pray for America, please pray for the world,
> pray for me because I want them to die.... For every person that had
> jump, every window that had a person working in it that provided for
> family, every suffering firefighter, every cop that can't do a damn
thing to
> help, for all the people men, women, and children that will never be
> same because of what happened today, please pray for us all.
> Please pray to whatever higher power you believe in.
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