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Re: [pyrnet] Hey...

   You have it right,Nancy. Life is for the living, no matter how much
sorrow just living may bring.

   Glad your spirits are back up to snuff.  Just be careful on campus.
I do not wish to hear that you have been corrupted by the good
looking, but weird denizens there.
If you need help going to and fro, call Hermit,l-900-WOOD. (There is a
39-cent charge for the first hour, but after that it is all downhill.)

Hermit in the Woods, working on my new concerto in B-flat for
harmonica and gut-bucket bass.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy K" <nakhere@hotmail.com>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 8:20 PM
Subject: [pyrnet] Hey...

> I don't know about you; but, I needed this weekend to kind of
retreat from
> all the horror of last Tuesday. I felt compelled to do some outside
> get my hands in the dirt, focus my heart on my higher power, and
shut off
> the TV for awhile. It helped. I slept some..after many nights when
the sleep
> didn't come. I have forced myself to put all of this in the hands of
> people that can do something to right this wrong on America. My job
is to
> continue my daily work. My job is to perform my work job to the
> best of my ability, to treat people with respect and compassion, and
most of
> all, my job is to continue living..with humble sadness for those
that have
> suffered horribly...but to continue living none the less. I hope you
> understand what I say here...my heart breaks for all the families,
all the
> pain but I know I can do nothing but help keep this country running.
> candle continues to burn until they declare rescue has turned to
> How I wish they could find more survivors....
> I have turned on the news for one hour each day for any updates. I
do have
> to tell you that I heard one today that we all might enjoy. There
was a call
> for more filters and masks for the folks looking for survivors. They
> they also needed more boots as they were getting sliced up from all
> sharp edges in the debris. They then mentioned that a pet supply
company was
> donating dog boots for all the search pups being used to help
prevent cuts
> and sores. And, you know what? The company was from WISCONSIN. Yup,
my home
> state. Isn't that wonderful. Don't know the name of the
> Foster & Smith. Anyway, it made me feel proud that they were
thinking about
> that rescue team as well. Thought that might like to hear that...
> Gotta tell you Gorden, I've missed talking to you. Having said that,
I gotta
> go. Unlike you living in paradise.. I have to get things ready for
> work week...still need to finish washing clothes and clean up around
here a
> little. Hope we don't continue to have bomb scares on  campus tho. I
think I
> went into and am coming out of a depression. It feels good to rejoin
> of us still standing tall. Hug all your two and four legged family
> and pray for our leaders...they need our help now more than ever.
> Nancy ... Were I am proud to be an American and am willing to die
for our
> freedom if necessary.
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