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Re: [pyrnet] Anthromorphizing animals

So, is how you treat your animals in part how your parents treated 
theirs?Your psychological makeup/needs?  A function of how many 
others you have?  Whether you have kids at home? Am I likely to be 
more involved with my guys (Anthromorphing) when my kids grow up and 
move away? Or does that also have to do with how many activities one 
involves oneself with (outside pet related activities like showing, 
etc. which can reinforce anthromorphing sometimes). Also, if you are 
married, is one of you more likely to anthromorph than the other?

The answer is YES! Psychologically speaking, how we relate to animals, and to 
each other definitely depends on all the above. We are born with a 
predisposition to personality and genes send our bodies on their way to being 
tall, short, fat, thin. How we "learn" to care for other living things does 
greatly depend on how our parents modeled that behavior --- along with all 
the factors you mention. My answer is anthromorphing can't be all bad.