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[pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20030212

Hi Susan

re:  Florida weather concerns & Pyrs~~~
. The concerns we always had were 1) ticks and or
fleas,>>>>>>>>>very few right now~You're gonna' run into these "little  beasties" if the dogs stay outside & run & romp in the woods ~it's been cold here,( colder than usual)~~no snow, of course & it does warm up durring the day~~~depending on where You are going to be in Florida~( I live in Gainesville, Florida )~~South Florida would also be a condern as far as heat & humidity~~~ everything is more or less on "hold"~~~  2) change of water,>>>>very good point~~~ 3) disorientation.>>>>>again a very good point~~~ 4) temp change >>>>>in Northern Florida, You can pretty well expect temps.  around 65 degrees  durring the day~~a few soft freezes at night~~humidity is around 55 % ( usually lower )~~~.if you are
driving the change is gradual, if you fly...2 hrs and it's hot! Remember
they only sweat thru the paws and mouth, nose. Just make sure they have a
shady spot .>>>>agreed !  shade & water~& DO NOT shave the dogs~~  There is prbably more but check with your vet .  Oh 1 more
thing...how do they cope with thunder storms??? not sure how many Fl gets in
the winter but it is also a consideration >>>>>Yes, it is a concern, particularly in the hotter months~~lightening and thrunder happen when the hotter air re-acts with the incomming colder air from above the clouds~~~right now, very, very few bouts with lightening and thunder~~some rain , tho~~~

hope that this helps
Pamc  ( lives in  Florida)

Pam Croy

"We need not Think alike to Love alike"