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[pyrnet] Re: Heart Murmurs

Hi, group!
I will try to keep this short.
Two months ago I rescued a 2 year old male Pyr that was in horrible conditions and was totally starved, dehydrated and full of parasites.
Fortunately, Tonka is Heartworm negative but had a very bad bladder infection and crystals (no stones, per sonogram).  He was treated on antibiotics for the terrible skin infections for about three weeks and has cleared up completely. 
Today, I took him to a new vet that agreed to do his neuter surgery for a reasonable price.  (Especially since he has only one descended testicle).  Upon examination, this vet detected a heart murmur and said that it may be due to the terrible infections he had for so long and has affected one his heart valves specifically.
I was wondering if anyone has been able to successfully treat a heart murmur in their Pyrs and how.  I would like to have some background information tomorrow when I go back, as well as to know all the options available.
Thanks for your attention to this request!
Lisa, Tonka, and the rest of the pack
W Palm Beach, FL