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Re: [pyrnet] Agressive behavior

Kodi is like this also he thinks it is a game for me to chase him.....I don't give him a treat though!!!!  He doesn't bite me when I take the item away.....he does try to bite when I try to remove him from my bed.....
Lisa, Bailey, Baxter and Kodi

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Anderson
Sent: Jun 30, 2006 10:11 AM
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Agressive behavior

Wow... I can relate.  Sampson has been this way too - no biting thank God, but it always really worries me.  I have worked with him using many of the suggestions you have been getting.  I can also tell when he has grabbed something of high value.  I do not push that - and in that case either trade.. or, I've had great success just walking to the kitchen and taking the lid off the "cookie" jar... he drops everything and comes and I praise him and we get to go and pick up the bad thing.  Also, I NEVER give him rawhide anything anymore, because that  was TOO high value and was just simply asking for problems!  Finally, I try to practice click/treat (check out clicker training, it is wonderful) for trading, waiting and so on.  Good luck.  Keep on it for sure. 
Linda A - STanwood, Wa

Our only problem is aggression when Ben "steals" something like a sock or hand towel.  You can tell he's very pleased with himself when he finds a stray sock or manages to sneak in the kitchen for a towel from the counter.  But, getting it back from him is tough. 
So last night we tried just scolding, and when my husband reached for the sock, Ben actually bit him.  We have always tried to make sure Ben knows his place in our home.  He doesn't sleep on our bed, or even in our room.  He doesn't eat table food.  He's required to sit before getting a bone.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."