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Re: [pyrnet] old pyr health question


She had a runny nose all the time, her skin was horrible, and always caking with yuck.  We would give her medicated baths  which would work for about a week or two before the caking would start again.  Now its three to four months before the caking starts, and she usually gets a non medicated bath by then. 

She would also get several skin infections after baths, but we are very careful to dry her, especially around her mane.

The allergy test is easy, and about $100.  Our vet does the blood test.  We discovered she was very allergic to 26 out of 43 or so items tested.  How do you tell a dog who loves to be outdoors not to lay on the grass??? ; )    I was then told (by the vet) that regular dog food can cause allergies as well.  He said there was special food for dogs with allergies and that it was expensive, and we avoided that issue for a long time.  My MIL had been making food for her dogs for years, and I just followed her lead, knowing my dog loved her cooking.

Good luck!


ChristineCvs@aol.com wrote:
I have a younger Pyr, but can empathize with your concern.  I'm sorry that I can't offer any information, as my Pyr is only approaching 6 years.  I was caught by your statement regarding her allergies and the homemade food you provide.  How did the allergies manifest?  Was it related to her skin?  The reason I ask is that my boy was diagnosed with general pyoderma (general skin infection due to some sort of staph bacteria).  He developed many sores on his body and we had them biopsied with the above diagnosis being the result.  He was on antibiotics for 6 weeks and there continue be a few new sores.  Maybe this is some type of reaction to an allergen?  Any one else have any thoughts?  By the way, I will not go to a raw meat diet.