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[pyrnet] New Good Owners ?

We had a behavior break through today!  My male, Charlie, is very loyal to people he knows even if he has not seen them for months, but dislikes nearly all the men who work in the yard or on the house.  The mailman is regularly driven away, and let’s not discuss the Maytag Man!  That is a horror show although I have to admit, I don’t like the guy either so that doesn’t help.


The new guy I hired to get rid of all the leaves in the yard before snow flies told me he and his wife love big dogs, had Huskies in the past and would love to get a Pyr.  We talked and Jim said all the right things about stubborn, aloof big dogs.  Huskies and Malamutes share some Pyr characteristics and add the shoulder strength to resist good leash handling unless they want to.  In other words, Jim sounds like a good potential Pyr owner who has a clue what he could be getting into.  I brought my dogs out singly, Sweetie the easy one first and she liked him, although as I said she is the easy one.  Then I brought out Charlie, handed Jim several dog cookies and said he must tell Charlie to sit before giving him a treat.  This is the cue for Charlie that I think the person is ok.  Charlie sat, gave his paw got his treats.  Wanted more ear rubs, did the Pyr Paw, and leaned on Jim as if to say, “ See what a great dog I am!”   I told Jim about rescue and he is planning to Google so maybe there will be a new Pyr owner who will adopt from rescue! 


Amy with Sweetie, Charlie, and Harry Pugger


From: owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org [mailto:owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org] On Behalf Of Trudy and the pack
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 4:16 PM
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Disney's Santa Buddies


I'm so glad to hear your description of the message of the movie - and yes, lets hope folks realize the adult size, barking, and wanderlust!   Training - ha, well, my male finally knows that he has to sit before he gets his dinner - I've very proud of that!

LoLa and Orso's mom, Trudy

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Melissa Wyglendowski <wygate@hotmail.com> wrote:

Well, there was an adult Pyr in the movie as well playing the part of the puppy's dad, and he (or she) was quite large next to Santa (Norm from Cheers), so hopefully parents would take that into consideration.  Plus, part of the message of the movie was to adopt dogs from shelters :)
As I was watching the movie, all I could think was "wow, that is quite the trainer to get a pyr puppy to do that!"  My pyr is such a hard headed girl. 

Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 12:20:39 -0800
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Disney's Santa Buddies
From: trudysdogs@gmail.com
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org

I haven't seen the movie yet - but it always scares me when a certain breed is popular in a movie - People get them for totally the wrong reason and with no research - which means that the rescue groups will be really busy a year or so later.   Let's hope that people realize what Pyrs really are before they go get a cute puppy!

LoLa and Orso's mom, Trudy

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Melissa Wyglendowski <wygate@hotmail.com> wrote:

I bought this movie yesterday for my 3 year old - she loved it.  I have to say I was surprised that the main character of the movie was the pyr puppy - not the retrievers. A Pyrenees was in every portion of this movie Error! Filename not specified. If you are looking for a movie with the quality of computer generated characters like Lord of the Rings, this movie is definitely not for you - it was horrible from that aspect, but the story was cute (I thought - don't ask my husband his opinionError! Filename not specified..)  And you can really tell when they use a different pyr puppy! 


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