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Re: [WW] Character Creation and more...

> 4) I am thinking of running an adventure for a Con based on the movie
> "Kelly's Heroes." How many people on this list now this movie? I am kinda
> worried that it might be to popular and to many people will know it.

Clint Eastwood, Telly Savallas and lots of gold? ;-)

> 5) CR's... Okay. So are the CR's set up for characters from the Weird Wars
> or for all D20 characters. The reason I ask this is it seems to me that a
> Weird Wars character has a LOT more firepower than a D&D character. So, if I
> pull a creature from the Monster Manual I will need to increase its CR to
> equal one out of the WW (Weird Wars) book.

well, orcs can have guns, too (not that I would play them). And take
skels for example: They just don't respond well to piercing weapons.
I'd just modify the monsters and adapt them to modern times. In my
campaign there are skeletons that take 1/4 damage from bullets, 1/2
from slashes and full damage from blunt weapon (and explosives).

All in all I'd say CRs don't represent the same in WW. You will have
to tinker somewhat. On the other hand - in WW things should be a lot
different (mood, objectives, experience) from D&D.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Arne Reuter

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