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Re: [WW] Re: Alternative Systems

On Mon, 5 Nov 2001 09:24:56 +0000 (GMT)
=?iso-8859-1?q?Michael=20Robert=20Blair?= <pellinoire@yahoo.com> writes:
> Strange, I always found that the Deadlands system got
> in the way of the story, that was one of the reasons I
> was so keen to get my hands on the D20 version.

Hear! Hear!  i love Deadlands and my players liked the system -- until
they discovered how slow it was.  i'm afraid they were spoiled by games
like "Big Eyes, Small Mouth" and "Feng Shui."  They love the Wierd West
setting though, so i'll keep buying up every DL product i can find....

The important thing to remember is that DLD20 and Weird Wars is not going
to attract non-D&D gamers to it, but they will do the other way around. 
Players who play D&D3E are in the majority and if you can get them to buy
WW and DL products, then Shane can get filthy, stinking rich!  ;)

To please the D&D people though, the product has to be free of system
related errors.  There's a lot of errors coming from independent 
publishers of D20 material and it makes a GMs job even harder than it
already is.  Those who've read the Dragon annual (a D20 special issue
with plenty of reviews of indie products) know what i mean here.

Yes, it's a WotC publication and so it may be biased, but i own many of
the things they reviewed and the ratings are pretty fair IMHO.

Which reminds me -- when is "Hell in the Hedgerows" due out?

Happy Gaming,


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