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[WW] Relic's of War World Past...

>From: VvvVMadJak@aol.com
>Subject: Re: [WW]  Remnents of War
> > Make "War of the Worlds" a part of world history, with the more
> > advanced countries engaged in research to find weapons to use against
> > the possible return of the Martians. Things such as radar and
> > rocketry would likely be more advanced than in our time line, but
> > overall it shouldn't affect the PBI (Poor Bloody Infantry) doing the
> > fighting on the ground.
> >
> > When it's too big to hide, act like it's supposed to be there.
>Yeah I may go that way. If I do maybe I can come up with a way of 
>the tech. Maybe the Martians sent some kinda clean up crew?

ignoring the idea of a "clean up crew" not being logical if you follow the 
background of the story (see "great cannon" elements in the first part of 
the book), then consider that the governemnt would have done a nice job of 
"clean up" on the evedence as is. and playing around with alien technology 
that is as advanced to them as Minbari technology would be to us is one way 
to keep the martian "toys" from being used on a large scale. did you ever 
see the WOW tv series? decient on that X-FILES kinda attitude. on the other 
hand, perhaps their tech really isn't that superior, maybe more just on a 
"modern" scale (if they had back in 1915 what we have now, who know's what 
would have happened-think about it-there was NOTHING in WW or WWII that 
could penetrate the armor on a modern MBT and a Helecopter Gunship or 
Harrier would really brain these guys, not to mention modern ballistic body 
armor as thin as a polyester shirt). the tripod walkers, black gas launchers 
and heat ray weapons are all thins being played around with right now. the 
space flight to earth is quite realistic too. about the only real element i 
would tend to worry aobut as far as "clean up" goes is the red weed which 
was accidentally carried along with them from mars to earth. this would be a 
pain to explain and eliminate (especially since they never really explained 
it in the book, just left it as one of those fun little mysteries).

sorry for the ramble
<ramble mode off>
...the rich
"you were once a professor of psychiatry specializing in helping paranoid 
and homicidal lunatics suffering from delusions of grandeur."
"yes but now i work for the United Nations."
"so your work has not changed"
         --------->is there anyone who can't name that movie?

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